Fox, Walker & Co. No.242

“Coffee Pot” No.3 (Fox, Walker and Company No. 242)


Mountain Ash No.3, a rare example of a locomotive built by Fox, Walker of Bristol (No.242 B1874), out of use at Mountain Ash, circa 1965 (Copyright: RailPhotorints.UK 2016. Why not have a look at our 25000+ railway files, you might find something of interest – RailPhotoprints.UK)

Fox Walker 242 at Mountain Ash 10th July 1958 (Photographer H.C. Casserley with thanks to Mike for cleaning up and sending the photograph)

Wheel arrangement: 0-6-0ST
Built: 1874

Worked for many years at Mountain Ash Colliery in Wales.
242 is the oldest of the three steam locomotives, being 43 years older than Portbury and enables the museum to represent all the major engine builders in the Bristol area.
Fox, Walker and Company was taken over by Thomas Peckett in 1880 and became Peckett and Sons, the builders of ‘Henbury’ and her sisters.
242 was the first locomotive in the museum’s collection. It was donated by the National Coal Board in 1962.
She was among the locos stored at Radstock, before moving to the Avon Valley Railway at Bitton for a while. Currently stored under cover on the BHR, there are no plans to return 242 to steam, although a cosmetic restoration may be possible to enable it to be displayed.



In May 2014 the Fox, Walker was moved from Smeaton Road Bridge shed to the Barn. Michelle Scoplin captured these images.



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