Canons Marsh Gas Works Peckett ‘Fenwick’

Fenwick was built in 1911 as Peckett Works Number 1221 and worked at Canons Marsh Gas Works.
Thanks to a heads-up from fellow volunteer Bob, I acquired this photo from eBay which is dated on the back as 11th August 1949 and shows Fenwick between duties with the mighty gasometer in the background.

Fenwick (P1221/11) – 13/8/1949

Wagon Restoration Update – March 2019

The next wagon to be overhauled at M Shed is the LSWR 8 plank open mineral wagon, built 1921 and numbered as BD 27.

The below pictures show it shortly after being shunted into the shed, Bob is tracing the sign writing to use as a template later. Since these photos were taken several planks have been removed for replacement.