Wagon 61110 back on the rails

Good news from the harbourside as the restoration of ex-GWR O18 open wagon No.61110 is finished. It’s been brought out of the workshop and placed back on the running line.
This item of stock was bought by the Port of Bristol Authority in 1961 for use at Avonmouth.
The protective cover is metal and can be lifted by one of the cranes if needed.
Thanks to Bob Edwardes for the photograph.

Autumn Highlights 2023

It’s the last operating day of the season tomorrow, so here’s a little round-up of things that have been happening.

Docks Heritage Weekend took place over 30th September/1st October.
Good turnout of volunteers in period dress, along with the Show of Strength Theatre Company interacting with the public. Henbury was in steam both days and collected the BD wagon (which had been in use with the capstan) on the Sunday after the toys had been put away.

Steam tug ‘Mayflower’ has made a return to service following repairs to its engine. It’s been great to see it working on the harbour again over the past two weekends.

‘Have a go’ week took place over the October half term, where customers can pay to have 20 minutes learning to drive the steam loco on the quayside line, followed by 20 minutes on the crane. I was firing on Thursday, Bob Edwardes took some pics too.

Henbury has been running services single-handedly this season. In the shed, Portbury’s strip-down is ongoing.

Portbury is waiting for a free slot in the workshop, currently occupied by the GWR O18 wagon. Bob lettered it up into PBA condition as 61110 earlier this month. Hopefully not long until it’s back on display.

Canons Marsh Gas Works Peckett ‘Fenwick’

Fenwick was built in 1911 as Peckett Works Number 1221 and worked at Canons Marsh Gas Works.
Thanks to a heads-up from fellow volunteer Bob, I acquired this photo from eBay which is dated on the back as 11th August 1949 and shows Fenwick between duties with the mighty gasometer in the background.

Fenwick (P1221/11) – 13/8/1949

Last Day of the Season and a Farewell to Portbury

Last Sunday (30th October) was the final operating day of the 2022 season for the working exhibits. Pyronaut was givng rides in the harbour and Portbury was working its final shift before being withdrawn for the upcoming 10-year overhaul.

… And that was it! ‘Farewell Portbury’ chalked on the smokebox door, ashed out over the pit, fire dropped, then back on shed. I couldn’t resist putting the Patrick nameplates (in honour of a friend) back on for a quick photo.

The team have wasted no time in starting the stripdown for overhaul, making the most of a gap in the weather this week. Thanks to Beth for these pics.

Pannier on Princes Wharf c.1952

With thanks to a member of the Avon Valley Railway group who passed on this photo via Bob Edwardes.
Believed to have been taken by Rex Coffin in around 1952 (judging by the fact that Crane 32 looks brand new) it shows 5700 class pannier tank No. 7790 at the head of a train of loaded conflats on the quayside line.
The loco is still in faded G W R livery and has a GW shunters’ truck attached to the front.
On the extreme right of the photo it looks as though a road wagon is parked across what is now the main running line.
In the background to the left can be seen the crane whose pedestal still stands at the edge of Lloyds Amphitheatre.

Loco and Crane Driving Experiences

Portbury is out on the quayside this week as part of the chance for members of the public to try driving a steam loco and an electric crane.

Find out more and book an experience here

The M Shed website states:
Our one-to-one tuition gives you the thrill of being the driver whilst testing your skill in controlling the hook.

After taking both machines for a spin, you’ll receive a certificate of achievement.

Timeslots are available every 40 minutes. Please report to reception 15 minutes before your allocated time slot where a buddy will show you to the working area.

Price is £50 per person

Docks Heritage Weekend 2021

It’s been a week since the first public outing for the working exhibits in over a year, Docks Heritage Weekend. What a blast! So great to have the volunteers working with the public again. Both Portbury and Henbury were on display and the capstan was back in operation both days, and crane 30 was kept busy loading and unloading the lorry.
Quayside operations were bolstered with audience interaction from the Show of Strength Theatre company.
Thanks for Bob, Bruce and the M Shed social media channels for these photos of the weekend.

Henbury’s Fire is Lit

Work on Henbury progresses as Coronavirus restrictions are relaxed. The majority of the loco has been reassembled and today it was pulled out of the shed to have a warming fire lit. Over the next few days the loco will steadily be brought up to pressure and every joint checked.

Thanks to Rob Skuse for the photos and information.